
#notes #markdown #webdev


a note taking app for people who are obsessed with Markdown

I've dabbled in blogging / tutorial making, but was always bogged down with the speed of Wordpress. with Obsidian I get

Plus I can use it for client tracking, tutorial making, and idea generation. I'd recommend anybody that knows more than 5 keyboard shortcuts to ditch whatever blogging tool they currently use In Flavor of Obsidian



Android 10 Users

Android Can't write to SD Card Fix
To utilize storage on an SD card you have to save it in a specific spot /SD_CARD/Android/data/md.obsidian/VAULT_HERE

Plugins I use

Custom CSS via Snippets

Graph View Customization

  1. group colors
  2. exclude directories / files

How I Keep up on Clients

  1. metadata
  2. tut on dataviews and tables
  3. how I organize via directories

Publish Vault

  1. I've use Obsidian-Zola because it's dead simple and has nice out of the box features. Publish to Netlify
  2. I have experimented with Quartz-w_Boswell. I like the ability to compile locally but looking into how to add more features. Publish to Github Pages
  3. Currently I use Obsidian Publish with NextJS to show off my digital garden.

Home Lab 🏠
